Which Audioquest XLR?

I just got the AQ rocket 88 and they sound fantastic. Which AQ XLR do you guys recommend with the 88s? My speakers are SF Cremonas, Mac amp and yam pre, thanks.
Wolf, the problem is that it's hard to know when someone is joking on a forum. I'm happy that you love your system and I"m sure it sounds good, but I promise you that your noise floor can alway be lowered.
Kalbi, I had used the Audioquest King Cobra and, based on advise from this forum, upgraded to the Columbia (72V pack). I thought it made an improvement in my system. However the KC can be had for about 1/2 the Columbia on used market. Given the cost differential and system synergy/sonic preference issues I could not advise which cable best suits your needs.
Ctsooner...I think you should worry less about my noise floor and more about your inability to detect humor. Maybe these things are connected (Promising improvement of something you haven't actually heard? An inability to detect mirth? Pesky food allergies maybe?), but evaluation by a trained professional and possibly therapy can't hurt, although I won't promise anything.
Wolf, not sure how to put this the right way, but here it goes. I have MS and yes, I do have a problem detecting humor in threads at times. I was being serious in my posts about what the battery packs help with. Thanks for clarifying.
Hey everyone thanks for posting, I should've clarified, I currently am using the AQ diamondback XLR, worth to upgrade from these? Thanks.