Audience Au24 SE power cord Upgrade

Has anyone tried Furutech FI-28(R) connectors on this amazing power cord?

Well, prepare yourself to be blown away!!!!!!

In my humble opinion, I heard higher resolution, smoother midrange and a very tight bass. And yes, I have tried the SE Cardas upgrade as well. While they are certainly better than the mediocre wattgate connectors, Cardas 'sound' was nowhere near the grand soundstage presented by Furutech. And how about Furutech's superb craftsmanship, fit and finish.

To put things in perspective, think about the leap you experienced when you upgraded from aR6-TS to aR6-TSSD. Reluctant at first, I got sold on IC's SE upgrade instantly. Both RCA and XLR's greatly benefits from the new connectors. I have not tried SE upgrade on speaker cables yet. I honestly feel, Cardas power connectors leaves room for further improvement.

My system consist of Classe Delta series, B&W 800 series, Raysonic, Marantz, Core Audio, REL B1's, Audience Au24 power cords, IC's, and a pair of aR2-TSSD's / aR6-TSSD.

The A/B comparison was conducted with 6 power cords between pre-amp, CD player, amp, subs and aR6-TSSD.

PS: No offense Mr. McDonald. You will always enjoy my utmost respect and appreciation. I hope to enjoy Audience superb products for many more years until my hearing totally gives up!
Hi Raks,

Thanks for your reply. I agree, they are expensive, but you gain whole lot of more then settling for Cardas. Furutech's are currently on sale for $223.00 a pair. So the upgrade cost is the same as Audience. If you're a DIY kind a guy, you can perform this upgrade in less than 30 minutes in your very home :)
What Audience charges for the SE upgrade includes both the plugs and a reasonable upcharge for Audience to re-terminate the cables.

I do agree with you that if I was of the mind to spend $200 to upgrade the terminations, I'd go the Furutech DIY route.
Thanks! for sharing- Lalitk-

this is very interesting. Cardas is ok at best. You put a new spin on an already excellent cable. Perhaps, Mr McDonald will try to strike a deal w/ Furutech plugs on his cables/cords? Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Just want to reiterate, there is no denying that $220 SE upgrade through Audience is a heck of a deal. The whole point of bringing this conversation is about achieving sonic nirvana and best bang for our bucks. If you're considering SE upgrade for powercord, even at $280.00 retail Furutech's plugs begs for your consideration.

For the record, I got no special consideration for promoting Furutech's :)

In my system, Furutech upgrade delivered the top-end with a beautiful balance. They were open, a bit relaxed in their presentation and totally lacking any harshness or grain. I can best describe their sound as silky smooth and very musical.

Audience deserve big props on continue improving their products at reasonable prices. That's one of the reason they are my No. 1 preference for cables and power conditioners.

Let the music flow!!!
I went from Cardas to Audience and other brands for power cords a long time ago. Never tried upgrading the plugs of Audience power cords as their power cords are very thick wires that aren't easy to work with.

Furutech FI-28(R) got overall good comments, not the case with the FI-50 (R) that I am eyeing. Anyone wants to chime in on the latter?

/Jafant: great idea and hopefully not just cords/cables. Maybe he will use Furutech's sockets in the adeptResponse series. I once had an Ueberbuss so swapped the standard ones with different sockets (TeslaSE, Maestro, Furutech) to see which ones I liked (more info on my systems page).