Freak Me Out

I am looking for a CD that is very strange and exciting at the same time.Weird music,sound effects,good sound quality etc.Anyone know where Im coming from?
Synthfreak it only shows that the word is wrong, it doesn't correct. You have to come up with the right spelling. I tried a few different ways and never did get it right...



Check out Daboa, "from the gekko". It's a reference disc I found on the Soundstage! website.
The Return of the Clerkenwell Kid / The Real Tuesday Weld. You can sample it at Amazon were there are copies dirt cheap.

Anything w/ Les Calypool, and Gorin/Levin/Marotta's From The Caves of Iron Mountain...the latter was recorded in a cave for XX sake, and recording quality is superb, absolute audiophile quality.
A 2nd vote for Medeski, Martin & Wood. Try their 1st (eponymous) and Combustication. Extremely well recorded IMHO.