Miles Davis The Original Mono CD's

Columbia just released remastered Miles first 9 recordings including Kind Of Blue, as well as some Collaberations with Gil Evans. Comes as a 9 cd set.

With all the other "remastered" versions of these classic recordings do you think the sound quality will actually be improved? Or is this just another way for the label to get more of our bucks?
I, like many have multiple versions of this. My go to version is the K2 HD CD so far. Rich, very acoustic and detailed as much as that original tape can be.
You know I was just thinking what the world needed was another release of Kind of Blue.
Well, I ordered and they are here. So far listened to 5 of the 9 CDs and each has far exceeded my expectations. By far the best sound I have ever heard from Miles. Real close to my memories of some of his live performances.......
Well worth it, even though I have other copies of all this music. Can't imagine it getting any better than these.