Did you get your new Music Direct catalogue yet?

I swear to God this cover, like the last three covers is worth framing.
Jerry Garcia brought me many years of musical bliss and this classic black and white photo does my memory proud.
The same goes for the early Ringo and Dylan covers.
I'm gonna dig those up and have them all matted and framed.
Music Direct has probably the nicest catalog of any of the music dealers out there! Got mine yesterday. It sure looks like they spend a fortune on them.

VERY nice indeed!!!
Yes received it 2 days back. Found out that they sell Yamaha now. And the CD-S3000 is listed $1K less. Similar mistake to what the Ringo covered catalog listed the Marantz SA-11S3. But I agree....very nice catalog indeed!
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My copy already went in the recycle bin. But you have a good idea, think I'll get it out and remove the cover.