Higher resolution Jazz

I'm starting to get more into Jazz music since watching some documentaries on Jazz on Netflix but it seems like all of the older Jazz recordings are of poor quality; can you guys recommend some artists and albums where the recording is of a higher quality?

It is hard to lump a whole label like ECM together. There is a lot of great interplay, and great musicianship over the years. Some may not be what you favor, but thats music.


Another nice sounding label is CrissCross.
Apologies to OP for not catching his older music part of the question. Never mind!
The first RCA Living Stereo was 1954 if memory serves. Actually, '54 through 1960 was what we refer to as the Golden Age of classical music.

I spent many years becoming an "Audiophile", until one day I realized I was trying to hear the differences in wire. If you're still trying to hear the differences in wire, what difference does the music make?

I hope you're back Elizabeth, I believe you're post summed it all up.

Enjoy the music.
B Limo-

as my reference disc I use;
Jamie Cullum- Twentysomething CD/SACD (2004) Verve

this is a killer release totally recorded in the analog domain for compact disc. The result is simply outstanding!
The best and last track on the disc is a "live" offering from the BBC studio- 1 take, minimal microphone usage. Test drive it for yourself. Happy Listening!