Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.
Nobody can stand in the same room with Hendrix. Clapton is a very good knock off. Muddy Waters is up on the top of my list also. Long distance call live is just too much.

Unless you have seen Muddy Waters play , which I have, there is nobody, and I mean nobody, who can convey the blues on electric guitar better except and this is a big maybe is BB King. Now if you want to consider acoustic guitar, then maybe Robert Johnson. I saw in the late 60s,
Peter Green, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jimmy Hendrix, and
Jeff Beck, and although these guys could wail up a storm,
personally I think Eric tried the hardest to emulate a truly blues style. His take on Chester Burnett's(Howlin' Wolf) Smokestack Lightning with the Yardbirds was the best of the derivative blues style. And of course his take on Willie Dixon's Spoonful was masterful and obviously he took Robert Johnson's Crossroad Blues and made it his own.
Shubertmaniac makes a good point about Muddy Waters. He was the real thing. I saw him twice in Chicagos' South side in the mid 60s.
I had the opportunity to meet and get to know Jeff Beck for awhile in 1969. What was interesting was getting to know him in a non musical way. He was in Detroit at the time recording with Stevie Wonder at Motown and during his off time, he was haunting hot rod and speed shops to repair his collection. I was working at such a shop and immediately recognized him when he came in. I eagerly began talking to him and ended up punching out the clock and taking him around town the next few days to visit speed shops and car museums, etc. He showed me how to play his version of Greensleeves on a black Les Paul he was carrying at the time. I'll never forget those times, very special. I would add that of the guitarists that Shubertmaniac mentions, Green struck me the most as the one trying to interpret the blues from a more traditional perspective. It became even more obvious from his recent acoustic work and exhaustive interpretation of the Robert Johnson catalogue. I find it difficult to tell that he is white when I listen to his vocals of late. Still, Clapton brought more immediacy to the blacker blues when he was with Mayall, very nice stuff.Just my opinion and I certainly respect the other comments being written for this thread.