The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Some of you need to get a life-with all the sniping and petty bickering that goes on with various threads by the same audiots maybe it is time to separate the girls from the men. Go play with your Barbies girls, take your egos with you and quit your damn crying.
HEAR IT IS; kharma cer 1.0 speakers, viva 845 tube monoblocks, viva tube preamp, Ensemble dac & transport, Ensemble Isolinks & Honeyplates, a mix of Ensemble, Audionote & FIM cables, Zoethucus racks.
This is an interesting thread. I'd like to comment because the BEST system I ever built was not the most ENJOYABLE I ever owned. I actually had the opportunity (or curse) to compile the system of my dreams from the considerable resources of the many High-End dealers in my locale. It involved Swiss front ends, French electronics, Dutch precious metal cables and the best American speakers ever built, all in a dedicated, customed tuned listening room. The sweet spot was very very sweet. Unfortunately, it was only 18.6 centimeters wide in a room FAR removed from the goings on of my life. So, gradually, no one listened, eventually even me. That system is GONE, replaced by merely great components that are far more versatile, far more ACCESSIBLE. And now I listen every day (especially to the tuner!). And those closest to me ENJOY.
CAT ultimate preamp Wolcott amps Muse 8 DVD transport and Muse 296 dac JPS powercords throughout JPS superconducter2 Synergistic Reference speaker cables. It took me 6 years to get here and I am extemely pleased with this for CD playback. I am still trying to get the anolog right. Had the Linn lp12 with Ekos and the sound was lean and bright. I am trying the VPI Aries, JMW 10' tonearm and the Benz Ruby H and still have the same problems. Mainly lacking bass compared to the ever so deep and tight bass from CD's. Any more suggestions?