Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
knucklenutz: what a great, appropriate name for a cabinet maker. good to have you among us. BTW, do you have any digital images of your projects you'd care to share? -kelly
Chris - welcome! Love the name, there must be a story behind it!
well, this is a great place to keep learning and finding the deals when you are ready to upgrade - once that bug hits, stand back! I think you would be really surprised how reasonably you can ACTUALLY upgrade if you shop well and buy from someone that you can trust. I, too had a mid-fi HT system when I first came here a few years ago, now it's got Rowland and Classe amps and InnerSound ESL's (even beta testing Roger's new ribbon speaker for our center channel). I started the speaker cable upgrades, but am not finished, I still have the surrounds to do, and I just started really upgrading the IC's. A little at a time and it sure is fun to hear the difference! It's a wonderful journey - I hope that you are having as much fun as I am! Cheers, Angela
Greetings all...

I have really enjoyed this thread so far; I guess it is time for me to contribute, as well.

Most everyone knows me as "Bart" anymore, the use of my "real" first name only registers if my parents say it. I am nearly 41 years old and live near Grand Rapids, MI. I am single, which is probably the single greatest reason I can indulge in this passion, my SAF=0. I am a civil engineer by training and have been in practice for 17 years.

I best descibe myself as the McGuyver of the environmental field...a little bit engineer, little bit chemist, little bit geologist, little bit maintenance mechanic, and a large part manager. Most of my colleagues suggest I have more money than brains; I make it worse by describing my system as a 1.2 kilowatt system that uses large sheets of mylar to reproduce sound.

I have had the bug for more than 20 years now...I blame it all on my high school wrestling coach. I had no idea that records could sound like his stacked DQ-10s, apt-holman pre, and Citation 16 amp. Of course, it took a while for the income to catch up to the desire, but now, by his own (the coach's) admission, the student has become the master...he drools in my basement today!

My current system is comprised of the Innersound Eros Mk II speaker/active crossover/bass amp electrostatic speaker system, a companion Innersound electrostatic amplifier to drive the panels, and an Audio Research CD-2 as my single source. All cabling by Nordost. Just retired my ARC LS-22 pre and am feeding the CD signal straight in the the input of the active cross-over. GLORIOUS! Secondary and tertiary systems are predominantly mid-fi, and adequate to video or office needs.

This is probably my most chereished diversion from day-to-day life and the rigors of work. This one year plus old thread was a delightful discovery. I will have to make it a point to check back to audiogon more often. (And, now that I am back I should sieze the opportunity and sell some of my retired peices!)

Best regards to all
great thread..my name is dave smith 'calloway'.married...9 cats (7 inside),and a 130lb old english sheepdog,also inside.i am a physician assistant,by profession,work 3 days a week in an urgent care facility.i also own a home health care facility and a surgical assistant business.golf is my 'other' addiction,although not quite as expensive as my audio sickness.listening to music,classical,jazz,or rock,through a great system,bringing me as close to the real event as possible,is my passion.it has cost alot to get to that point but i am almost there...at least for this week.i am originally from florida..went to the u of f,was drafted after getting out,2 wks later (yes i am old...54 to be exact),spent 4 years in the air force (inlisted after getting my draft notice) and then went to duke university for physician assistant-bs.great thread..keep it going