Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
Bishopwill. I do not know if I am among those who welcome you.

Your admission of being a strong supporter of double blind testing makes me apprehensive. I do not welcome those who come here to fight for DBX testing methods.

During my two years here every DBX advocate worked at shifting every discussion to their preferred testing methods. Rarely if ever posting opinions about their favorite music or the equipment necessary to make it work.

I would not be concerned except for the fact that both of your (new and only) posts you bring up the subject. I hope you prove the exception to those who have visited in the past. It would be a refreshing change.
Hi Bishopwell, I welcome you regardless of your opinions. I don't have to agree with you but this is audio. Ya can't please everybody. I agree with Albertporter about blind DBX testing but that is just my opinion. Not to be welcomed because you believe in something I don't is ridiculous.
Welcome,welcome,welcome. However, if you are here to fight then I must agree with Albertporter.
Hey Bishop: Albert's just a little testy from listening to MTV for the past four months (while his system has been down). Ordinarily he would allow you to fault before the flogging began. Oh, and watch out for Brulee (he's a tricky little devil:-)
I can tell I'm in the right place. Actually, Albert, if you read either of my posts carefully, you could not possibly miss my appeal for tolerance and mutual acceptance.

aka the Slithy Tove
Bishopwill- Welcome to the neighborhood. As with all diverse communities, you are bound to meet all types around these parts: from the young and naive/impressionable, to the tolerant and knowledgeable, and of course, the old irascible cynic who lives in the big house on the block over. I hope you find/make some friends, and both give and receive a little audio enlightenment in the process.

Welcome (and take heed of Dekays suggestion!;-)