Aquariums and Audio Equipment

I'm dying to shift my audio equipment closer to one one side and center a 80 gallon reef aquarium between my revel studios. However, I'm getting nervous about the potential problems this may present (flourescent bulbs, potentially noisy pumps, caustic salt water, bubbling of jets, etc). Anyone have experience with mixing aquariums with audio equipment?
In addition to the problems that you mentioned, it will also ruin your image and especially depth. Probably not a good idea.
The sound may be too liquid for your liking... I just remember how bad I felt when my aquarium leaked all over my collection of Road & Track magazines dating back forty years. Why the hell did I put the aquarium in that cabinet that was such a perfect fit when the magazines were underneath? Stupidity, is my guess. To expose yourself to any kind of problem with sound equipment sharing space with an aquarium is mind boggling. Do yourself a favour and forget the whole thing. Good day.
I think there are worse ideas. Depending on the tank setup, if you use lids ect., any 18" away should not be affected by salt creep. Dedicated electrical lines solve the electrical problems. The sound stage would not be worse than having a large TV in the middle. This will not improve things..

It also depends how careful you are with water changes and cleaning. Me, I need a huge concrete slab. The biggest concern I would think would be the noise floor. Any pumps and water movement in drains ect create noise.

80 gallon reef aquarium?

Ya got coral in there? Who cares about the music. Put it where it does best. It may be all that's left in another generation.

I remain,