Aquariums and Audio Equipment

I'm dying to shift my audio equipment closer to one one side and center a 80 gallon reef aquarium between my revel studios. However, I'm getting nervous about the potential problems this may present (flourescent bulbs, potentially noisy pumps, caustic salt water, bubbling of jets, etc). Anyone have experience with mixing aquariums with audio equipment?
The other issue in addition to the others mentioned, is the vibrations that you will place on the fish... I had a similar setup at one time, and usually the next day after a listening session there were dead fish (from them killing each other). Moved the aquarium to a different room and never had another problem... Guess it depends on how sensitive / aggressive the fish are... I had triggers and more aggressive species.. I think the risk of a leaking aquarium is minimal, assuming you have well maintained equipment that is less than 10 years old, continuously in operation from the purchase... But you can never tell when 80 gallons will wind up in the room. The issue with evaporation and salt is minimal... Usually, the salt will stay in the aquarium, and I noticed no issues from that with the equipment... Anyone who lives anywhere near the ocean has more to worry about than what your aquarium could produce...
Weird, in various setups I have never had a problem with vibrations affecting the health of the fish.

Always thought I would but never did.

Jadem6- yea, finally found a hobby I could spend more on then fish. On the plus side audio gear usually does not just up and disappear....quit eating, get sick, melt, kill other audio gear, chase other gear out of the room...

An 80g tank really is not that large of a tank. Depending on the filtration setup, the tank could be setup very quietly. With larger tanks anytime you move thousands of gallons per hour, things can get noisy.
We have a 110 Gallon marine tank on the back wall of the listening room... all of the filters are in the basement and the only sound from the tank is that of rushing water (which is actually quite soothing). The tank actually helps to break up reflection off of the rear wall since it is an imposing structure with numerous angles, shapes, and materials.

As far as disturbing the fish, keep in mind that sound is magnified under water so what might be 95 db to us might be a heck of a lot louder to the fish. We haven't seen a fish die from a loud thwack of a bass drum though. One problem that we do have is that the plexiglass is showing very small superficial cracks from the loud sound levels (at least according to the aquarium people). Their suggestion is to replace it with a glass tank (which we didn't do in the first place because of the unconventional stand it is on and they said plexiglass would work better).

As was mentioned earlier, saltwater aquariums are an eternal money pit and when you see a $1000 worth of fish floating at the top of the tank, you kick yourself for not buying more audio equipment instead of the fish. Oh well, but it looks nice...

All but one post actually talked about the negative impact of the a huge tank toward the music. There is no way it will help your music with a big piece of glass in between speakers. It will throw off the image and make the bright brighter.

I once help a friend setting up his first high end system in a room with a 110 tank since he originally wanted to enjoy music and watch fish at the same time. Two days later he moved the speakers out of the living room since he couldn't stand the noise of the pump.

I don't think fish and stereo go very well together.
I was going to make a joke about making sure the fish were in the sweet spot, but this thread has turned serious. I assume fish don't have ears and somehow the vibration is scaring the sh*t out of them. They probably feel kinda like an achovy about to be attacked by a killer whale. I never liked anchovies, but feel kinda sorry for the rest of the little finned guys. I'm a tad of a hunter so no animal rights stuff here, but makes you hope that you don't come back as an audiophile's pet fish.