Best Integrated Amp You Ever Heard?

I am tired of the Pre-amp+Power-amp game. So, I am in the quest of finding a really really good integrated amp, preferably used, so I can save some money off the original price.
Right now, I have a pair of Triangle Celius (92db), but I would like the amp to be able to drive other not-so-sensitive speakers.

What is the best integrated amp you've ever listened to?


Totem made an integrated way back when. It was an ugly thing, shaped like a semi-cylinder. But it sounded fantastic (especially for a SS integrated amp to someone who has a clear preference for tubes). I've never heard the Totem Forests sound any better than with their own integrated amp.

I've never seen one on Audiogon, and suspect that the one I listed to at my (then) local dealer was relatively rare.

I have been using integrated amps for about 10 years, Karan, Lavardin, Viva and a number of others. Al were good, except the Karan K180, I did'nt like at all.
The 2 I have at the moment are the best so far. Firstly Pathos Inpol2, a hybrid Class A 50 watt amp. Secondly, an Ayon Spark, 20 watt SET. Both are truly excellent and sound similar, detailed transparent, good soundstage, very musical.
the best though, clearly to me, the Dartzeel integrated, 8050 is it. Just wonderful, but out of my price range I am afraid.
I can't afford the best integrated amps I've heard. But I'm using the Ayre AX-7E to drive a pair of Triangle Antal ESW's with outstanding results.
I’m using a New Audio Frontiers Supreme 300b Special Edition. It’s a “stop listening to your system with audiophile ears and just start enjoying the music” type of component.