I have not used any Sound Application devices. I might add that I loaned my unit to a retail dealer for YG Acoustics...he bought one .....says a lot to me. They are only available factory direct. He trusts his ears, he has very good ears, and heard what I did as well. His room at the Bay Area Audio Show never fails to impress. A picture is up at either his website for Loggie Audio or at VH Audio. I can't recall which one.
Apparently the tube used is a Thyratron tube and affects the phase angle. An EE may want to chime in and contribute more as I am not an EE. All I can say is that when in a system, computer based, cd, vinyl, especially systems with non tube power supplies, the results are very positive. With tube power supplies, I note less of a difference.
Apparently the tube used is a Thyratron tube and affects the phase angle. An EE may want to chime in and contribute more as I am not an EE. All I can say is that when in a system, computer based, cd, vinyl, especially systems with non tube power supplies, the results are very positive. With tube power supplies, I note less of a difference.