Top Ten Interconnects of all time...

A tip of the hat to FERRARI...(and to those great auto's!). I have enjoyed the "Top Ten" threads...So,.. What is you favorite Interconnect cables of all time? I will start this off with the following candidates...Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, Cardas Golden Reference, Nirvana S-L and S-X, Nordost Quattrofil..and the rest is up to you.
I have owned and tried numerous cables and I will have to say my favorites have been the following.

Silver Cables - AudioQuest Diamond X3 and Dragon Speaker Wire. A stunning combo. I wish I never sold it. I am sure their new Silver is probably just as good.

Copper Cables: XLO Original Reference Series, and their current Signature 2 Series which I own. Nothing has even come close to being more real and letting the music through in my system.

I just want to say that Oritek X-2's were mostly designed with cd. So, if you don't need silver, I would suggest you investigate these for your cd player. Ori says that just having them in your system provides many of the benefits of these interconnects. I can guarantee that Ori has auditioned his interconnects in many systems. Can you say that about all the interconnects that were formula based? I bought about 2 feet of them, which are very cost effective.
Only one mention for my regular cable, Acoustic Zen Silver reference and Hologram. They are not ultra expensive, but are detailed with real body, unlike my prior Nordost cables. Definitely the best ever in my system.
MMakshak -

I have the Oritek X2 and the Virtual dynamics Revelations - The X-2 is good, the VD is great!
