Hello it is a fact ,Wyred has a unit as we speak that has been tested and does fit existing models in the SE group But will not be out for another month or two for they have
other tweaks.I heard a example with the clock and the Best Synergistic fuse which adds a bit of warmth and inner detail.and clock is much much more accurate meaning abit smoother more clear presentation.
The Femto clock is a minimum 82 Femto secondsthe latest for 2014.THis is a fact .JUst ask Clint if they are experimenting with them. it is a pre production test dac
they have to complete all R& D testing before making it official .
other tweaks.I heard a example with the clock and the Best Synergistic fuse which adds a bit of warmth and inner detail.and clock is much much more accurate meaning abit smoother more clear presentation.
The Femto clock is a minimum 82 Femto secondsthe latest for 2014.THis is a fact .JUst ask Clint if they are experimenting with them. it is a pre production test dac
they have to complete all R& D testing before making it official .