What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
I am an industrial electrician- and electrical engineering student at Purdue University. I am 31 years old. I have loved high end audio for years- and my system now consists of:
Pass Labs Aleph 3
Adcom GCD-750 and clock-modded Rotel RCD-990 (for sale BTW)
B&W CDM-1's

My favorite artist is by far Tori Amos, but I like Sam-Phillips, Son Volt, Richard Buckner, - and my latest "must listen", Brand New.

I am a minimalist at heart and Mr. Pass's creations fit the bill perfectly.
Am amazed that there aren't more folks from industry.I was in retail for hi-end between 1995-2001 and thinking of getting back into it as consultant because over crowd can barely set up VCR (now DVD-R) with lowing cost of computers,internet radio,Recivers with Ipod docks,better sounding Wifi,chip amps,and cups of DEQX like tech at reasonable price.A music server with touch screen 5 years ago could cost $5K-$10K and basically a 486 machine with software and touchscreen.Now you can get single box that is no larger than CD plarer with HD,inputs for HD whose prices are dropping like a stone (meaning no compression needed economy wise) and WiFi to boost that could ruyn to 6 watt chp amps and hi-effciency speakers or a computer all for under 41K.Recivers are now at $600 level have USB inputs,some HD radio and Ipod docks.Finally the promise of digital has caught attention of this tube and LP guy.
P.S.Brought way too little cash home since much of it went to a system that most freinds thought I was nuts given what I made to won.But it's heterosexual make-up artist going home do really want to eat caviar through your eyes and go home and bite into Milk Bones???????Terribly sexist analogy I know but it fits right?
I'm an IT Developer for a major electronics corporation. I have a Geology degree. I'm 35 years old (in 2007).
Profession: Heating, Electrical, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Service & Installation Tech.
I startup HVAC systems & intergrate them with building automation control systems.
Age: 51 Young.
System & SW: Costs too much & I fear it will never end.
I'm 42 and edit TV shows, commercials, corporate videos, etc. I have produced and directed a few music video and music DVD projects, one of which is distributed nationally in the stores. (even worked on a Sufjan Stevens project!) I'm hoping to sell a TV show pitch- then I can really get a good system!

I sometimes mix projects on my home system, so I get to deduct some of it, which really helps with the cost. It can be tied to a full non linear video editing system (about 30K) in the next room to evaluate mixes done on that system, and see what the videos look like projected via DLP for clients.

After this latest analog front end upgrade I am waiting to be delivered I'll probably have about a $45K retail 2 channel system (HT adds another 4 or 5K including projector). Some bought used, some demo gear - so it didn't cost that amount.

I Listen to mostly LP's these days. I was lucky enough to rediscover vinyl around 1990, when people were selling their vinyl by the milkcrate load to local stores. I bought in a fairly short time (2 years ) about 4,000 records including a nice jazz collection. I knew very little about jazz at the time except I liked it, and found a great guy at a local record and book store was an audiophile and had an encyclapedic memory for musically and great sounding LP's. I still have many Jazz LP's I have yet to clean and listen to, and lately have been opening up some sealed OJC reissues, which is fun.

I'm doing my first analog upgrade since around '90 when I bought a nice used table, which has served me well. I kind of feel guilty about this recent massive analog upgrade (about $13K with phono pre) and family members don't understand it since I have good 'table, but it will most likely be my last front end upgrade since to get to the next level of quality would probably be $20-30K on a front end alone, and I don't see much chance of that happening.

I decided not to post under my real name for a few reasons.