What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
American gigolo.1980 feature film.The film's tag line "He is the highest paid lover in Beverly Hills.He leaves women feel more alive than they've ever felt before."
Richard Gere starring as Julian Kaye i a male prostitute in Los Angeles whose job supports his expensive tastes in cars,audiophonic equipment and clothes.Ring a bell anyone? LOL
autodexr, where are you going to get your mba? I went to the Anderson School at UCLA, wish I was still in school instead of facing "reality" and working everyday.
Kitchen and Bath contractor on the Ct Shore, 51 years old.

I purchased most of my stuff used on Agon for under $5k. That got me a new KAB 1210 M5G w/Goldring 1042 cart to a CJ PV10-Bryston- Alon Model 1's.

I go to CES yearly and listen to all the megabuck systems- have yet to hear anything match the music coming from Carl Marchisotto's gems. I have no desire to try anything different, just constantly looking forward to the next time I can listen to music in this system. The soundstage, top to bottm, back to front is HUGE and holographic with voices and instruments floating in space as though you were there live. One lp after another of spot on musical nirvahna. If you have never heard one Carl's speakers you owe yourself the treat but beware you may spend the rest of your days trying to locate a pair.
I'm a 35 year old audio visual service manager for the larget pro a/v integrator in the country here in Detroit. I'm married and a father of three young children. At one point, I had a $25,000 system. Now I have two HT systems that total $5000 and don't listen as much as I would like. I look forward to my kids getting older so I can get away from watching Disney movies constantly....