Eugene81, with the exception of my Radio Shack electro-static tweeter speakers, which cost $180, I use Health or Dyna kits and a AR turntable with a Stanton cartridge after I moved from cities with good fm stations.
By your age, I had moved up to Rectilinear 3 speakers and Dyna ss gear. Yes, being able to get more expensive gear comes with age, but, of course, so does inflation. In the early '70s, I had Infinity ServoStatic 1s, ARC SP-3 and two ARC Dual 75A for a total investment of $4500. I was only making $19k per year, but had book royalties.
By your age, I had moved up to Rectilinear 3 speakers and Dyna ss gear. Yes, being able to get more expensive gear comes with age, but, of course, so does inflation. In the early '70s, I had Infinity ServoStatic 1s, ARC SP-3 and two ARC Dual 75A for a total investment of $4500. I was only making $19k per year, but had book royalties.