Top resistors

Many threads with opinions on boutique coupling capacitors, but very little consolidated information on the sonics of resistors. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the attributes of their favorite brands & types for specific tube and SS applications? How much of a difference does a good resistor make?

My interest in the topic increased after recently installing the latest Texas Components nude Vishay TX2575 in several SS and tube phono & LS components. This was a proverbial "Ah-ha" moment-- a stray resistor dropped into signal path here or there, surprising with an improvement that equalled or surpassed the impact of a switch to a top coupling cap like V-Cap or Mundorf.
Nice to hear improvement on tweeter section by changing to Clarity/Duelund. I use Clarity and Mundorf silver/oil in my phonostage (se humblehomemade test). Nice relaxed sound.
I just ordered som Vishay Foil TX2352 0.1 % at TEXAS Components. Really nice people to deal with, I expect to get them before Christmas. I will use them in input stage of phono and SBAM, also change to Mundorf Silver/Oil in SBAM.
BTW, Thanks for advice on changing to FRED diodes in Velodyne sub. I did on my DD10 and it certainly improved speed, more distinct and improvement on overtones.
Another very velcoming improvement was increased sensitivity on lover volumes for triggering the sub.
Now I can listen with sub at lower volumes than previously.
To shear experience and help others in a forum thats worlwide, that´s what it´s all about.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Clabe, good to hear about your improvements. Prior to switching to fast recovery diodes in the Vel, I was always hunting around with the sub set-up and volume level. Afterwards everything just fell into place.

For a cheap and effective mod to SBAM, consider replacing the small .1uf polyester bypass caps around the op amps with ebay russian FT-1 .015uf teflon in parallel with .1uf K71 styrene. Clip off the steel leads and replace with good wire. Beyond that, the BAM benefits from upgrade to low-impedance, high-capacity SLA batteries. Few people understand that with an optimal power supply, op amps can sound as good as any tube or discrete SS device.
Vishay TX2575 are made from the new Z foil that was developed in Israel. They are suppose to be even lower noise yet. They cost $9.40 each. I have them on order for my Altmann/ DD Dac combo hybrid which is currently using the standard Vishay metal film nudes. Throw another $60.00 at this and hear what differences there may be. Tom
I'm bumping up this thread as I just completed a comparison of resistors in the gridleak position of a tube pre-amp.

The contenders:

Vishay S102C
Tc TX2575
Dale RN65
Takman Rey
Shinko Tantalum
Holco (old stock)
Caddock USF340 (TF020)
Generic Metal Film

This was quite an interesting undertaking as I was not expecting to hear drastic differences. In the past I heard differences between resistors but mainly in the high frequencies (cartridge loading application)

The Shinko Tantalum was by far the most inaccurate resistor of the lot. Dale RN had the most bass and midrange warmth. TX 2575- the biggest disappointment of the lot. A laid back/bland/lifeless sound. S102/PRP/Takman/- not worth the time of day. Holco- now this is an interesting part. Very lively/dynamic/textured presentation with great inner detail and prat. Unfortunately it adds a fullness to vocals and mid-bass that ultimately becomes distracting.

And the a w-i-d-e margin is the Caddock USF340 (TF020). Clearly the most transparent/musical/involving resistor I've had the pleasure to hear.