Anyone tried Quantum Resonant Technology?

I recently tried some major power supply upgrades recommended by my local dealer (Vineyard Sound.) I'd been swapping $1,000 interconnects and power cords when Michael suggested a Resonant Technology QX4 and QB8. I have to say up front that I am going to have to downgrade something in another area of my life to keep these components in my system.

The QX4 and QB8 greatly improved highs, spaciousness, attack and decay. Any sense of brightness or grunge disappeared, and I have a much cleaner, wider and deeper soundstage (added 6 feet easy) I've also noticed that I am listening to more music, everyday, for longer periods (the true test for me.)

I don't know the technology but in my system it creates more magic in between my speakers than any other conditioner, tube or cable upgrade I've done. It adds much more energy without removing anything relaxing about music.

My realization is that this technology is more of a foundation that provides the right power to make the recordings sound real. Good recordings sound better, great recordings are in the room, bad sounds okay, still kind of bad.

I'm very impressed and can easily say this combination added 15-20% vs the 5% upgrade with other power supplies changes from quality companies.

Anyone else feel this way or tries these? I've heard little about the Quantum gear other than Nordost is the distributor.

System is VAC Avatar SE
Ayre AX7eMP
Reynaud Emeraude speakers
Brahama power cables
Frey speaker cables
I have to agree with Krell_Man. If you can find a topaz isolation transformer you'll beat just about any conditioner on the market. I recently listened to the Tripoint Audio Spartan ($35k) power conditioner and I honestly don't know that it's any better than the isolation TX. I currently own three isolation TXs and couldn't live without them for what they did to my sound.

I must also mention that Krell_Man was the great guy who first introduced me to them.
They have come out with the QV2, a plug in unit and a lot cheaper, retail 375, offer similar improvements may be to a lesser extend, since i never tried the Qx models.
I am also curious about the QV2,because the price isn't too outlandish.
But I would have to audition one or two.

Since it plugs into the empty side of a duplex, it sounds like the old take on wiring up a cap or two to the receptacle.

Or like the old cube thing that my father used to plug his tv into in the 50's, Perhaps I still have it.

I've read a lot of debates about the Quantumness of such products and the posts are very much the same believer denier type postings.

In my view, you'll never know for sure if something works or if it's snake oil until you prove it to yourself.

You'll know whether it works or not,irregardless of what someone thinks might be the end result.

I remember my mother forcing me to try some food item that I just"knew" I wouldn't like, eventhough I had never tasted it before.My mind was made up not to like it.

Later ,when I grew up, most of those foods turned out to be my favourites.

And that's my approach in this hobby.
Try before you buy, and if it doesn't do anything you like, don't buy it.

I can't understand buying it for any other reason.
I consider my QX4 to be an essential component. Switching it off flattens the sound and sucks life out of the music. It's great to see they've come out with something much more affordable. I'm so enamored of the benefits from my QX4, I will probably try a QV2 at some point.
Have comparisons been made between the or any differing effects between QX4 and Quantum Symphony Pro, possibly even Acoustic Revive RR77?