What did he say? Misunderstood lyrics.

My wife bought a calander with misunderstood song lyrics. The name of the calander is "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" from Jimi Hendrix. I remember hearing this while I was young and wondering what Jimi was singing about. All of the other ones I've read so far are really lame. So I'm wonder what your personal misunderstood lyric is.
I can't think of anything for myself so I'll do one of my wife's
Wrong lyric: "Only the lonely get laid." from The Motels
Correct lyric is: "Only the lonely can play."

Alright lets hear 'em!
Years ago I read a story about Barry Manilow. He told about a letter he got that said; "my mom and I really love your new song but what does 'looks like tomatos' mean?"
The real lyrics were: "looks like we made it."
Dweller, I double checked it yesterday, and you can tell your friend he's definitely wrong. It kind of threw me that his proposed lyric had "she" in it, because "she" doesn't appear in the last minute or so of the song. The "she" is, in fact, "see", as in "see-saw" - the motion made by someone who is hanging by the neck (as is the subject of the song at the time). Here's the lyrics of the two lines at issue:

"See-saw, Margaret Daw, gotta swing
See-saw, knock on my door, I, I gotta swing, ah-ha-ha"

Some claim that "Margaret" is in fact "Marjorie", but either way, nothing about "she" or "ugly".
Rar1 its actually " Gee our old La Salle ran great" listened last night heard it totally clear finally been wondering for a long time what it was. Thanks