State of the Source: Server, computer....or what?

There has been a lot of discussion here about the impact of having the best possible DAC for digital playback, from a long-runnning thread on Lampizator to the current thread where member Mattnshilp has been trying out a variety of DAC's in order to select what sounds best to him, but what constitutes the best sounding digital source?

So the questions for this thread are, what digital source sounds best to you and why? What features do you like in the manufactured music servers? And, can the sound quality from a well sorted-out Mac mini or CAPS style computer/server, with linear power supply, SSD, and the associated ability to use a variety of music players, upsampling options, memory play, and EQ, compare favorably with the manufactured server options that use preloaded programs or, are the differences primarily related to the manufactured options being easier to use than a computer, which requires the user to load and maintain the programs used?
Vapor1, I did not intend to leave anyone out but Perrotta Consulting is the only USA dealer I found listed on the Antipodes website. Thanks for clarifying.
Have you, or any of your clients, compared the mid-level units (the DS Ref or the new DXe) directly with a well set-up Mac mini (e.g., linear PS, outboard HDD, inboard SSD, galvanic isolation of the USB line, and isolated USB power source not from the computer)? If so, what did you (or they) hear in comparison and, if the Antipodes server was preferred, what attributes, in comparison to the mini set-up, do you believe distinguishes the Antipoeds unit?
Another hat to throw into the ring is the Auralic Aries. Not a server per se, but I'm very curious to know how it compares sonically to the dedicated server solutions as it has some advantages in both flexibility and cost.

Yet another is the servers from Baeits Audio of Montana. Theirs, which are customized, purpose-built Windows PCs, output S/PDIF as they believe USB is the wrong way to go and that we've been lead astray by the USB DAC movement.

Interesting times in this corner of audioland.
Aurender X100 is amazing. Heard it together with MSB Analog DAC. This kit is very smooth and musical. Beautiful vocals, sweet heights, deep and powerful bass.
Aurender control app is great too.

If you are using high-quality power conditioner (or power regenerator) there is absolutely no need in any other power supply for Aurender.
By the way, their top model has SMPS as well (although it costs $16.800).

If you are an owner of Aurender X100 the only one important question is the quality of your DAC's USB input.

P.S. One MacMini owner purchased outboard liniar PS for his Mac. But after he tried to connect it to power conditioner he came to conclusion that the difference between stock PS and outboard PS is subtle.
Igator, the top model Aurender W20 does indeed have a SMPS powering the CPU but also uses a LiFePO4 (LFE) battery power supply for the audio power supply.

Reviewers seem to like the X100 but a couple point to a lessening of the bass impact compared to their disc players, a deficit not mentioned in reviews of the upper two models, the older S10 or the newer and most expensive W20. Reading between the lines, I get the impression of a musical and enjoyable sound quality but not quite equivalent to the upper echelon of servers in the areas of resolution or dynamics.

Drubin, I have seen info on Baetis Audio of Montana and to me their product seems to have a lot going for it such as external file storage, an SSD and an optional linear power supply. Unfortunately, it also has a FAN, which seems to be a backward move.

Sheesh, can't these guys put it all together. It seems each of the current crop of servers below $5K has one drawback;
-Aurender X100 with their SMPS,
-Antipodes with their single drive and no SSD option, and
-Baetis with their fan.
I like the concept of the Baetis but it seems little different than the CAPS servers offered by Small Green, and barely different in function from the Mac mini server I am running now, except for the Windows vs. OSx differences.
Mitch2 said: I have seen info on Baetis Audio of Montana and to me their product seems to have a lot going for it such as external file storage, an SSD and an optional linear power supply. Unfortunately, it also has a FAN, which seems to be a backward move.
The Baetis runs 24/7 at my house and I have not heard anything from the unit whether the music is on or not.