Retired audiophile?

Maybe it comes with age. Fatigue with upgrades. Wisdom and satisfaction with the material world - acceptance of the audio system and a return to enjoyment of music without audio analysis - acceptance of deteriorating hearing and the resultant judgement that "what's the use" in the pursuit better fidelity - more restricted finances of retirement.. a feeling of "done for now" or forever. (Unless something brakes down) After improving and "investing" in my rig for over 30 years, I've come to the realization that I have little interest in the latest/greatest. "Tweaking" has little or no monetarily corresponding reward.
I'll still peruse the web, but the magazine subscriptions have elapsed and I don't miss the self-congratulatory reviews and commentary.
I suspect I'm not alone on this although the Audiogon community by it's very nature, is active in the hobby. Other retired audiophiles out there?
Dweller, like many who spend many years in the hobby, find that the ultimate component is really the room, not the electronics. Acoustic sound is primarily the function of the design and size of the room, and often who you treat it. So, all you newbies, learn this lesson early and your wallet will be fatter, and your enjoyment greater.
Rapidly approaching this state as well.

Major upgrades a few years ago and now just enjoying the music.
I may try to add a DAC and CD player upgrade before I retire, however not a priority at this time.
I'm still about 10 years from retirement more or less.

I always stop once it sounds right to me. It does currently. Hopefully it will stay that way for awhile, but nothing stays the same forever.

I suspect I will downsize at some point, especially if I move into smaller quarters.
I'm just a couple of years from doing what I like: nothing in particular.

Having gotten that out of the way, there have been a couple of times when I thought I'd gotten as far as I could go with my system only to find out it was just this one item.....

All the best,
I'm semi retired I think. My main system has stabilized and hasn't changed for the past few years. Unless something fails or I move I think I'm pretty much through.

BUT, I did just set up a second budget system using some small and inexpensive stand mount monitors and a small tube amp and was just amazed at the result. Makes me wonder why I spent all the time and effort on my main system - if I had to I could easily live with that second system (easy enough to say when you know you don't have to do that :-).