6-17-15: Angelgz2Whew!! glad that it was just missing the "mV" units....
Hi Al and Bombaywalla
Thanks for the inputs. I am glad that the zeros didn't fry. My bad, the -22.6 is in mV as indicated on the multimeter.
6-17-15: Angelgz2looks like the NAD by itself is just fine. yes, those low mV numbers should be ignored like Almarg indicated in an earlier post.
I did another measurement with everything disconnected. The unit has already been on for a while. The measurement read -2.0mV on the front channels and -1.9 on the surround channels. So I take this is normal since the voltage is practically zero?
But it looks like something upstream is feeding DC into your amp that, when amplified, creates a -22.6mV at the NAD output. What do you think, Almarg??