Maryland,Wash.DC Metro area

Would like to start a club, or a small group of audiophiles, whereby we can network and share experiences about our favorite neurotic passtime.
Thanks for taking the initiative with this. I'm very much interested in a club of this kind. My passion is two channel, SET and OTL, and high efficiency single driver speaker designs - but, I'm interested in all aspects of audio and music. I'm in the Columbia area.

Best regards,
I would like to participate as well and live in Baltimore. May have a few extra people as well.
I am interested. Thanks Cinematic systems for getting the ball rolling. The first meeting to determine that nature and scope of the group activities should be really interesting. I have no idea where most of the interest of other hobbyist lie.
Thanks for your posts, next week I will have much more specific details, dates, times and a probable address. Just dotting I's and crossing T's before disclosing any information.

Just so you know the first meeting or two will likely be a Saturday or a Sunday to try to eliminate traffic and schedules as an issue.

For those who cannot make it , a website will have all the topics discussed and allow members to participate in voting etc.