CA: Audio club in san diego area?

Does anybody know of any audio clubs in the san diego area?
I am new to the area and would like to meet some like minds

Do we have a club for you.... The Audio Guild. We meet every month (sometimes) at Stereo Unlimited, usually on the second Wednesday of the month.
The meeting is from 6:30PM to about 9:00Pm and we have had several superb guests, including recently Dr Bruce Edgar of EdgarHorns and the nice people from synergistic labs among many others. I believe we are trying to get John Dunlavy to talk in the near future.
P.S. Stereo Unlimited is on Sports Arena Blvd.
Post if you are unfamiliar.I will get you directions.
Does The Audio Guild have an email address or website? Or some way we can corroborate time and place? Is there a mailing list? Thanks!
That sounds fun. I am also from the SD area. Is the club open for anyone? Any fee? I have some background in web development in case you guys need a website.
