Wisconsin - Anyone interested?

Just wondering, things are dead around by me and nobody understands this hobby.....
Dear Wisconsinite's,

We still have room for a couple of people at the January 22nd meeting in De Pere, WI.
Ridge Street Audio will be attending the meeting and presenting their new Sasson Ltd. Loudspeaker along with various cables from their range.
Please contact me via email if you are interested in attending, or visit our website at www.newaudiosociety.com for more information.

We welcome all new members to the group, so please join us if you can....past meetings have been a lot of fun!

Oh,you poor guys! I hope you all made it up to Green Bay in the snow without mishap.I would still like to attend, but am working in the ER today. Let's try to get a meeting together in the Madison area. Also, Roose, I am impressed with your timber-frame house. I also am in a hardwood timberframe and love it, but wonder how much the hard edges screw-up the sound. I notice major problems with the ceiling fan diffracting the sound.
Thanks to everyone who made it to the January 22nd meeting in De Pere. The bad weather cut our attendance by a few people, but those who made it seemed to have a good time.
A special thanks to Robert and Steve of Ridge Street Audio Design who made the trip from Indiana with various cables and their new Sason Ltd Loudspeakers. Excellent products, great sounding speakers and great folks to be with.
Reviews are being written and will appear on www.newaudiosociety.com in a few days.


I have to 'pile on' Rooze's post. Wow, did we have a good time! Lots of good music, plenty of good company, and too much good food! Thanks Rooze!

The ride in the snow was worth it to hear a few real quality products from Ridge Street Audio Design. More info is available at http://www.newaudiosociety.com I hope to see you all next month at the February meeting.
Steve from SAS Audio Labs will be demonstrating his amps and cables to the North Eastern Wisconsin Audio Society (NEWAS) on the 26th of February 2005.

The meeting will be held at Loki's place north of Milwaukee, and will commence at 1pm.

Everyone is invited to attend, but please notify us ahead of time so we can cater for the right number of people.

To learn more about the meeting and club activity, please visit us at http://www.newaudiosociety.com

Steve's web site is http://www.sasaudiolabs.com

Please email with questions and for directions.

Thank You!
