Any women looking at this add Please reply

Just curious, are there any women who are browsing through adds looking for gear and upgrading like us men, any women audiophiles out there?

I just need some information, I have a girlfriend who will never understand this part of me, don’t get me wrong, I am the luckiest guy in the world I believe but I am just curious.

I guess we all have our differences.
Its like me walking into Mac Makeup I guess, just encountered that too and will never understand the endless time walking around in the mall shopping for hours not looking for anything particular, I have encountered this situation more than once with other individual female friends. Something different as well like us maybe.

If you are a woman, what is your background?
Why the interest? and please please elaborate on your system if you wish, please don’t feel uncomfortable to share!
We are all music lovers!

Is there an AA (Audiophile Anonymous) in your area? I was bitten a long time ago but have been very frugal in my purchases. Hope your hubby is the same.
I have always loved music, and I guess I got into the technical/equipment side of things because I also enjoy computers, building my own, etc.. Though the most important thing is the sound, I do enjoy researching different audio equipment, too. I am still learning and don't consider myself an audiophile, just a wanna be audiophile maybe! My life partner isn't much interested in this audio stuff, but tolerates my obsession.

I can't imagine living without music and the means to play it. I have no musical ability, but I sure know how to run a stereo system!

And if I had more $$$, I would consider upgraditis a blessing!

You know... I couldn't tell you how it happened? When I was in my early teens I was never interested in music, it was my little sister who had the 'nice' stereo and it was always playing when she wasn't at school. She never moved beyond blasting her favorite CDs though... I think she still owns the same speakers and components from when she was 12!

I'm not exactly 'normal' in the female sense though. I don't get weak kneed over purses, makeup, shoes or the latest fashion. I do get weak kneed over beautiful cars, camera gear and audio equipment though! My passion started with (and is still going strong) cars. For years I had a modified mustang I worked on and raced (at a legal track, not on the street), and then as I got older my tastes grew and refined quite a bit and now I've great love for my Euro cars. I still modify and work on them but I no longer race... unless you count racing the wind or the setting sun along a good twisty road. :)

Anyways, off track there.... I didn't really start listening to music until I was 17 or so.. I got Sony separates and a set of Infinity SM125s. I don't really remember how or why... but I remember I researched the speakers quite a bit. I think I might have ended up with a stereophile magazine and learned about the world of high end audio and that was it for me. Hooked.

I got upgraded to Carver separates as a Christmas present when I was 19, Got my first dedicated room when I was 24 and upgraded to maggies at the recommendation of a friend shortly after. Soon after I took a trip to Denver to visit another friend and toured Ayre HQ and spent two hours in their listening room. The rest is history as they say.
