Nobody has added to this in years, so im bit later, but what the hey!
I think the problem with DYI is they see one person building something, that person is also somebody that they probably know, or have preconcieved notions about
Buying from a company however, you dont see the constructor of the object, you see a company mask, and will most likley assume that to creat such a project requires quite an impressive education, with multiple MIT graduates working to deliver you nice product.
when you see a guy in the garage, you see a guy in the garage.
So, even without the whole re-sale and purchace of such DYI, the, if you just know some guy who made his own cables, you would probably assume they were not as good as a company made product. So it would likley suprise you to see that it is a good product
everything was made in a garage at one point in time to some degree.
Ive seen DYI speakers and amplifiers and know that a guy in the garage with a good idea can produce a product that competes and even beats a well known brand, however, that product does not compete with the reputation of the major company.
Plus, its easy to get seduced by a brand names reputation, it almost comes as a status symbol.
Will a Bently get you somewhere better than a Honda? No, they do the same thing, and the honda is probably more economical and eco-friendly as well.
I think the problem with DYI is they see one person building something, that person is also somebody that they probably know, or have preconcieved notions about
Buying from a company however, you dont see the constructor of the object, you see a company mask, and will most likley assume that to creat such a project requires quite an impressive education, with multiple MIT graduates working to deliver you nice product.
when you see a guy in the garage, you see a guy in the garage.
So, even without the whole re-sale and purchace of such DYI, the, if you just know some guy who made his own cables, you would probably assume they were not as good as a company made product. So it would likley suprise you to see that it is a good product
everything was made in a garage at one point in time to some degree.
Ive seen DYI speakers and amplifiers and know that a guy in the garage with a good idea can produce a product that competes and even beats a well known brand, however, that product does not compete with the reputation of the major company.
Plus, its easy to get seduced by a brand names reputation, it almost comes as a status symbol.
Will a Bently get you somewhere better than a Honda? No, they do the same thing, and the honda is probably more economical and eco-friendly as well.