Looking for fellow Audiophiles, music Lovers, and diy Audio people in the Fort Worth , (and Dallas areas ) , who would like to get together - - - I live in Fort Worth and want to find like minded people to talk about audio equipment and share music , Kind Regards, Dean
Hello Dean, Jazzerdave, & Swanny76109...

email me your phone # so we can connect. my email is posted in the forum. btw, I'm in Keller....
I sent an email to Eric. We can all connect through him since he's already posted his info.
Here's Branislav...would welcome meeting some local audiofans as
Hi Everyone - Sorry I'm slow - having Laptop problems,- might need to try and replace my motherboard- (that should be fun : )...., - my email is, or - phone number 817-423-0315 - please leave message ! We should maybe plan a get together... I know not everyone will be able to make the same day ,but we can meet several times maybe .... to get to know each other - thoughts? Kind regards, dean
I had a nice listening session with Eric on Wednesday. I know he mentioned something on Saturday, and I'd probably be there again but have prior obligations. Let's keep the ball rolling and get a solid club together.