Something else to consider are 2 things -
1) Room acoustics - treatments
2) Dedicated power line
Without taking care of these 2 things, you may be wasting a lot of effort and money. You are not hearing the best your gears can offer.
Another thing is to experiment with silver cables - more liquid sound. You can buy silver here on the audiogon and other places, and DIY - RCA and speaker cables.
You might want also to experiment with effects unit - I had a system that sounded too dry, and when I added Yamaha Cavit 50, and added effects, the sound became liquid and transparent. I saved the system from being sold. The unit is only midfi-ish, so I wouldn't call it hifi, but it could be what your 2nd system is lacking.
The qualities necessary for me to enjoy a system is:
1) Liquid
2) Transparency
3) Accurate color
If a system has these 3, they are listenable for me.
Of-course it would be nica to have these as well.
1) Luxurius decay
2) Dynamic (300 watts would be nice)
3) Class A or A/B amp
4) Harmonically rich
5) Deep and wide soundstage
If you know specifically what you are looking for in terms of audio-lingo, then you can get there, without constantly searching and upgrading.
I hear of many stories of an audiophile, who spends as much as a luxury car, only to do more listening on a $3000 second system, on a computer for example (low jitter). The experts tell us that if we do the homework, we can assemble a satisfying systme for a lot less, and get off the merry go around.