QoBuz is a new high quality streaming service that is expected in the United Stares in October. Their service availability needs to be confirmed.
I copied the post below from their web site:
"There are two levels of high quality audio available: Lossless, the uncompressed "True CD Quality" at 16-bit, as well as our 24-bit Studio Masters range , boasting the actual quality of the files as they were recorded in the studio! Better than CD quality. Both of which guarantee you the most faithful sound possible on your sound system, computer audio player, (iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc.) or portable device (iPod, iPhone, Android, etc.). Top it all off with the Qobuz Hi-Fi Guide, which advises you on the latest and greatest high-end audio equipment to be combined with the superior audio quality of our products, and we have a truly complete music experience. So for audiophiles and pure music lovers, look no further. At Qobuz we've found the perfect recipe to satisfy your musical and technological hunger”.
The above looks very interesting for streaming. Time will tell.
Does any one in Europe have any comments on using QoBuz?