What tube preamp to get to smooth out the sound?????

Hi have Wadia 850 cdp directly to pair of Odyssey Monoblocks, speakers are NHT 3.3's...Im very happy with the strengths of each component but recently sold a Adcom gfp 750 pre because all I listen to is CD, so I figure why not sell it and go direct..but the sound is not as good as when I had the preamp, direct sounds more hard/etchy , not as smooth as with the pre..I want to buy another pre but get something better than what I had before instead of SS was thinking of getting into tubes to get more warmth/smoothness I want to get rid of any harshness/etchines .... trying to keep it under 2k used, any suggestions from others who had this kind of problem I hear BAT is particulary good...
I agree with the tube preamp. But don't(if you want to smooth things that is)get any of the BAT w/ the 6h30 tube.Don't get the Sonic Frontiers.Don't get an AR. The advise from Weiserb and Albertporter is good advise for what you are wanting. All the preamps mentioned are great, it's they all have their place. With you digital source, speakers, and your amp I would think that the last thing you need is a sterile,neutral preamp. It sounds to me like you need something with a little weight(sonically speaking). The AE3 DJH signature is a great preamp. The new Power Modules Belles20A is also a sleeper. This is my humble opionion. I've been there with the preamp hunt. You always want a neutral set of speakers so you you can tune to your taste with a pre. and amp. get into cables last, get the gear right first.
I second the recommendation of the Joule Electra preamp. They are extremely musical and dynamic. An equal but somewhat different kettle of fish from the BAT "SE" series of preamps (using the "supertube"), but far superior (I think) to the earlier BAT models that are likely to be in your price range. I have listened extensively to a system with the EMC-1 CD player and a Joule Electra preamp (an older LA 200), and in my opinion it is just plain more beautiful and engaging than just about any digital system I've heard.
I have the AES-3 Pramp standard model with oil caps. I to purchased from Upscale Audio. It is $750.00. I had used an Adcom 450 tuner/pre for years and wanted to smooth out the CD glear. The odd looking thing continues to amaze me the longer I use it. I have not changed out the original tubes yet, for now, I am just enjoying the music. This may be an inexpensive way to find what you are looking for. Good Luck in your quest!
You never mentioned if you were using the GFP-750 in active or passive mode ??? Since there are sonic differences between the two modes, clarifying this may also help you out in the long run. Sean

PS... Not ALL tube pieces are "warm, smooth & silky". Some have bloated bass, some are forward in the midrange and some demonstrate "glassy" hi-end. Like anything else, it will boil down to system synergy and personal taste. The one BIG advantage to tube gear is that "tube swapping" can change the sonic characteristics pretty drastically in a matter of minutes.