Whats the best and quietest 12AX7 tube

I get tube rush at 12 oclock from my new Rogue 99 preamp phono stage.The input tubes in it now are sovteks.What 12AX7 is very quiet and microphonic free? THANKS!
I like old Telefunkens with the diamond bottom. The Tesla or EI (basically new telefunken flat plates-factory was blown up by Nato last year) are nice too, for new tubes. In my opinion the Sovteks are dark, too high in gain and boring. The telefunkens seem to be the most balanced across the frequency range and let the music shine-rather than displaying frequency aberrations
The best AND quietest us Telefunfen 12Ax7 smooth plate. I tried philips,mullard,rca,ge,brimar,torvac,mazda,amperex(german,american and dutch).There may be a few that I forgot to mention.The telefunken is also silent in a pre-preamp.Do not substitue a 12Ax7 with a 12AT7 or 12AU7.The gain charecteristics are different and might cause the phono section to ascillate.
Telefunkens are great, but I recently replaced my stock 12AX7 with a Heintz & Kaufman Gammatron, made in the USA. Just great. Fast and almost as musical as Tele's. Application will dictate, so experiment.
Telefunken 12AX7 are the best. The best for money are Ei Yugo 12AX7. I had ones selected by Ken Stevens of CAT...quit, musical, involving etc
The best I've heard, but try finding an original (be careful because I've seen rebranded, GE versions) was a Philips 6681-12AX7.