Help! Need tube preamp to finish system.

I've been working on putting together a good stereo system for about 2+ years now and would like opinions/advice on what I consider to be maybe THE MOST important part of a good rig; the preamp. My system consists of the following starting with the front ends: Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1, Ah! Tjoeb 99', Sim Audio P-4001 class A linestage w/external power supply, Marchand XM126-2AA vacuum tube crossover w/external power supply, McIntosh MC275 for bass duties, Mesa Baron for the stats, Kinergetics SW800 subs and Martin Logan CLS II's. Discovery powercords (where able) and DH Labs interconnects and speaker cables throughout. I don't need any suggestions of pre's with processor loops as I already have a decent rig for the HT thing. All advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, March
Sedond- As I have said before,I get KILLER bass with my 99.Instead of selling a perfectly fine peamp and one of the best in a list of 10,maybe you should dump the Adcoms.Sounds lke a synergy problem to me.But then again someone will get a steal on your 99 and know what to do with it.Happy listening!!
Hi March, Second, 99; As stated futher up in the thread the BATse pre-amps are world class performers. I've compared the VK50se to CJart, ARCref, and the ML32ref. For my system and taste the 50se outperformed the other pre-amps costing up to and over twice the price of the BAT. It truly is a world reference product. While I haven't heard the Rogue and respect others right to voice an opinion I can assure you nothing is going to blow the BAT away. I can appreciate ones enthusiasm for a product and can understand them wanting to express it such a way but you have to live with the componet and decide what your taste are. It's your hard earned money that's being spent so don't just listen to the "hype" listen and decide for yourself what's right for your taste and system. Good Luck, Tom
hi all, re: my adcoms, i really don't think there's a synergy problem here - bass was outstanding before, and while adcom stuff takes a beating in the hi-end press (mebbe too much value for money?), i've never heard anyone knock its bass response. only comments about its bass i've heard is that ya have to spend mega-bucks on something like a big krell/levinson/etc, to get marginally improved bass response. what i think is going on here is i early-called it in complaining about the rogue 99's bass response. it *has* improved markedly in the week since i've hooked it up, and while i hope it improves more, even if it doesn't, its *other* virtues are exemplary enough to satisfy me until i can consider the funds required to try something like a bat 50se, which is beyond my budget, even used. and, besides, the wife has already forbidden me to sell it & re-hook up my linn kairn! she *loves* it! ;~) so, i have pulled the ad, and shall place an ad to sell the linn. regards all, doug
hi tom, no problem about the typo, i'm an idiot anyway, remember - i dint even *see* it 'til ya pointed it out to me! ;~) regards, doug