Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Psag, illuminate me. How the heck am I going to move a 100 pound speaker and a 75 pound amp outside. And what about power connections. I'm sorry ... I'm just am having a problem figuring out the logistics.
If you measure indoors, DEQX will hear room effects and the calibration will be much less accurate & the finished result compromised. It can still be effective, just not as good as it should

Here's a youtube video of someone doing it from their car (white coat optional !!)

If you live in a house with a garden then great & use an extension lead, if you don't then I guess you have no other option for now

So, if you have to go with an indoors measurement, lift the speakers up in the air ('platform' in the centre of the room, put the speaker on it and measure one at a time of course, making sure you record which measurement relates to which speaker), preferably angled slightly upwards - cover the floor in front with cushions and other soft materials to kill the reflections as much as possible

If the dealer is doing it correctly, he will know all this anyway
I did mine in the driveway. Buy yourself a decent moving dolly and attach some protective padding. Should be under $100 total. The outdoor measurement can be done with the speaker on the dolly. All you need is a speaker, an amp, and an available outlet. The DEQX rep will take care of everything else.
Is deqx only for digital? Does anyone use one in an all-analogue signal chain?
I used to use DEQX for both analogue/digital, now only analogue (although it contains an excellent DAC, I now use something even better). The two analogue inputs are configured as below

1) RCA Phono analogue input: Turntable/phono amp
2) XLR Balanced analogue input: balanced connection to Graham Slee Majestic DAC/preamp. This has an anlaogue input that I use for SACD/second TT, plus multiple digital inputs (coax, optical, USB) for the CD transport/digital streamer/laptop etc

I also use the DEQX analogue volume control. Overall there is no trace of anything 'digital' in the sound I hear which is a testament to the smoothness of the DEQX processor. You have to hear it to believe me of course!