best THREE channel amp for about $1,000

Hi all. Got a Krell 250a for stereo sound, Lexicon DC-2 for processing, JM Labs S38 15" sub, and Nautilus 804, HTM-1 and rears. I need a THREE channel amp and have about $1k budgeted. Am willing to buy used, of course. I'm looking for any and all suggestions... Anyone have opinions on Chiro, Kinergetics or Musical Design? Any other ideas? Thanks in advance... B
I spent quite alot of time auditioning 3 chanel amps in that price range, and found Parasounds 2003 to be superior for three reasons. The power is there, it will drive any speaker. The finesse is there, musical passages like the opera scene in the 5th Element moved my soul. The build quality is second to none.
I second the above on the Parasound 2003. It does an excellent job in both 2 and 3 ch operation. ample power with good clarity and tonality.
The Acurus 200X3 is THE BEST three channel amp you'll find under a grand. Parasound is good, Acurus is better.
It's a 2/3/4 channel amp. You should be able to find it used for under $1K. It weighs 76lbs, and can be bridged to 450w/channel in stereo mode. Hope this helps
In the price range you stated, I'd go with either the Acurus 100x3 or 200x3, the Adcom 5503, or a Rotel unit.