Help...DVD problems (I think??)

Hi...I just purchased my first DVD player, and I have noticed several problems with my first two movies. There seems to be a graininess to the background (skies, walls, etc) and I also really noticed it on the white lettering during the opening credits (very distorted...if that's the word). I also occasionally notice some straight lines (window frames, hallway walls, etc) being "curved", but it doesn't happen in every scene or every shot (and it usually seems to happen in the top right hand corner). Are these common DVD problems? Are they problems with my player (Pioneer Elite DV-05), cable (Vampire S-Video), or TV (a 5 year old Mitsubishi 31")?? My player has gotten rave reviews, so I'm hoping it's a simple fix. Any suggestions or info will be much appreciated. Thanks. ( of the movies is nothing technically special, but the 2nd was a new DVD..."The Cradle Will Rock")
Try it out on another TV set. I have 4 different players and have not experienced this.
Also, make sure you don't have your speakers placed too close to the TV. This was a problem with my setup.