Mark Levinson 331 or McCormack .5 Rev. A

I am planning on either upgrading my McCormack DNA 0.5 to Steve McCormack's Revision A ($1,000) plus add Balanced Inputs ($400). Or sell my McCormack and purchase a used Levinson 331. Does anyone have experience with either of these two amplifiers? Just looking for some good advice...Thanks and much appreciated.
Hi Jla; I've owned the DNA.5, DNA-1DX, and DNA-2DX, and I auditioned, in home ,the ML 331 for a week. I clearly preferred any of the McCormack amps, although I have not heard an up-graded DNA amp. I do intend to have my DNA.5 upgraded though. In my system, the ML 331 produced a huge but un-natural sound stage that I did not like. Also music had less "body", ie the 331 was very "airy and transparent" but lacked focus. Again, I preferred the McCormacks with my Vandersteen 3Asigs. I think it was a system mis-match thing. The DNA-2DX is a GREAT amp-- best of the bunch, but I have not heard the upgrades-- from what I've read, they too are supposed to be great. I'd up-grade the DNA-.5, and if you don't like it, then sell it. BTW, the DNA-2DX can often be found used for about the same price as the 331. It is dual mono, 300 wpc @ 8 ohms and weighs about what a 331 does, and I consider the DNA-2DX much more musical than the 331. The 2DX may be balanced too (but I'd have to check-- I use it single ended). It does have good bi-wireable output posts. Good Luck. Craig.
....should have added that the DNA-2DX is a true powerhouse-- 600wpc into 4 ohms, and 1200 into 2 ohms. The 331 has great bass, but the 2DX has more natural bass. Craig.
For what it is worth, I agree with Garfish (Craig). There are two new reviews this week on Steve's amps that I think are worth reading. I am providing the links below: Best of luck on your search for perfection!
In my experience with the 331, I've found it to be a fantastic amplifier. In reply to Garfish's response, I've found that whatever is upstream of the 331 is what you get. Differences in cables, preamp, and source are easily identified and very audible. A lack of focus, I think could probably be attributed to the cables in the system and find the focus of all the 300 series Levinson amps to be superb. If a Levinson works in your system as well as in mine, you'll look no more. Chuck