Mark Levinson 331 or McCormack .5 Rev. A

I am planning on either upgrading my McCormack DNA 0.5 to Steve McCormack's Revision A ($1,000) plus add Balanced Inputs ($400). Or sell my McCormack and purchase a used Levinson 331. Does anyone have experience with either of these two amplifiers? Just looking for some good advice...Thanks and much appreciated.
For what it is worth, I agree with Garfish (Craig). There are two new reviews this week on Steve's amps that I think are worth reading. I am providing the links below: Best of luck on your search for perfection!
In my experience with the 331, I've found it to be a fantastic amplifier. In reply to Garfish's response, I've found that whatever is upstream of the 331 is what you get. Differences in cables, preamp, and source are easily identified and very audible. A lack of focus, I think could probably be attributed to the cables in the system and find the focus of all the 300 series Levinson amps to be superb. If a Levinson works in your system as well as in mine, you'll look no more. Chuck
Thanks Chuck, Do you leave your 331 on standby when not in use or does it run to hot. Also, if I decide to go with a 331 I will only have a little over 3" left in my rack for top ventilation. Will this be enough. One last question I heard the 331 will not accept Nordost Z-plugs or any cable that is terminated with bananas...true?
Hi John; The 331 actually runs pretty cool-- Don't remember about use of banana plugs though. Re: Chuck's comments on the 331. I shouldn't have made it sound like I was bashing the 331, which I didn't intend to. The 331 is a beautiful well built amp, but in my system, the McCormacks were just more musical. At the time I had a Sony XA7 CD player, Muse Model Two DAC, SF Line 2 pre-amp, and very good Syn. Res. ICs and spkr. cables. As I now have ML 37 transport and 360S DAC, the 331 may work better, but I'm so happy with the DNA-2DX that I'm not motivated to try anything else. Hopefully you can audition the 331 and let your ears be the judge. Cheers. Craig.