McCormack SMC Audio Upgrades

I am considering purchasing an older DNA 0.5 or DNA 1 and having it upgraded by Steve McCormack. Is there anyone out there that has had experience with the upgrades and would like to share their thoughts? I am particularly interested in the sonic differences between Rev A and Rev B. I would also like to know if anyone has upgraded their TLC and the effect that it has had. Thanks in advance for the wisdom.
Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiolaw
You can buy the new DNA 125 for less money than the .5 and it comes with all the upgrades.
Schroeder; How do you know that the DNA-125 contains all of the Revision A upgrades? What was your source of this information? Thanks. Craig.
Schroeder,From my conversations with SMc Audio, I don't believe you are correct.
I suspect they are correct also. The all-inclusive "all" should not have appeared in my post. My apologies. I recently purchased a DNA-1 that died during shipping. After many phone calls to Stereo Exchange, NY, NY., McCormack in VA and Steve McCormack in CA I ended up with a DNA 225 that I adore. During our conversations phrases like "all the changes that Steve wanted to put in years ago are now in the DNA 125, 225", "if you spend the extra money now for the 225 you'll have all the upgrades for less money than upgrading a DNA 1 and more power" were used several times. No one told me specifically that the A, B, & C upgrades were included in the 225. I was offered a nice discount on the 225 to off set my frustration at receiving a dead DNA 1 and Steve McCormack did advise me to take the 225 instead of another DNA 1 and sending it to him for the A upgrade. More bang for the buck concept I believe. I see on the web that some are now saying the 225 is equal to the B upgrade. Regardless of where it stands in "Golden Ear Heirarchy" of DNA amps, I think the 225 is awesome. Regards, Schroeder in Atlanta