Jls3, Yes, I did get the Wolcott amps. They are coming along very well. There are those in my listening group that already think that they are the best I've had in my system. However, I have not made up my own mind yet, and still have several types of NOS tubes on order to try with the Wolcotts. I have to see what can be gotten out of them at their limit, and only after they are totally broken in. The Viva has taken a really long time to break in, and is just now, in the last month or so, performed where I thought it should be all along. I am REALLY tough on break in, and need to state that fact to everyone. I am overly sensitive to the effects of break in on all types of new products, and knowing my curse, I reserve judgement until I'm sure I am not making a mistake, either in my system, or my comments.