Absolute Best DVD Player?

What is the best DVD player (Up to $4000 retail) for best sound, video, and build quality? Thank you. Rick
Treed is correct. Like he said: Read this. http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_7_4/dvd-benchmark-progressive-shootout

Thanks for that link. I attempted to print out this report, but it would have resulted in using a lot of paper with my printer, so instead, I have downloaded the file to a floppy disc on my "A:" drive. I will uploaded from there and read it later on. However, I am going to print out the actual reports of the Pioneer Elite DV-09 and the Pioneer DV-37 since those are the players I am primarily interested in. Again, thanks again for that link.

My pleasure Charles. My Pioneer DV-37 is sweet, if not the absolute best on the planet, (killer cd playback) ,w/progressive scan. Should outgun the DV-09.
NoMoney, GeeVee, I think we should clarify something. The Pioneer DV-37 is arguably in the top 2 or 3 when
it comes to video quality. It outperforms the "legendary" DV-09, and it takes a high definition projector to possibly see any difference between the DV-37 and the Sony 9000ES, and even then the difference is minimal. Some people prefer the color accuracy of the Pioneer when compared to Sony. So, the Pioneer DV-37 can be considered "top rated" and certainly far from second rate. That this is available at $500 less than the Sony is important, and the CD playback is a knockout that can compete with any new, under $1500 CD player I have heard.
O.K. the video may be around the same quality. I haven't compared the c.d. playback between the two, but I don't see a bunch of folks raving about the cd playback of the dv-37 all the time. But lets assume the cd playback is the same, you get the SACD for the other 500 bucks.