SS or tube preamp? Which one?

I have Bryston amps and B & W speakers. I watch 80% movies and 20% music.

Best regards-Henry
Being that you watch more movies than listening to music I would reccommend a solid state pre-amp/processor for a home theater set-up. Which Brystons and which B&Ws are you using?

Don't even ever think about SS (SOUND SUCK) !!
I was stupid and crazy to buy amp with looked on the magazine review and big name (ML,Krell,Bryston,JR,etc)

Two years ago i've owned ML 336+380s,three months later i sold and bought Krell 350MC+KPS 25s,the sound especially soundstage much better than ML but i can't still heard the music,so after read in the f... magazine review i bought
Jeff rowland 9TI. This one is very good enough and i don't think about change/upgrade my amp forever !!

But after i heard the tube sound (jadis JA250),when i went back to my country last year,i felt that my system like Harman Kardon !!

Right now here i'm: I used tube amp Jadis JA250+JP200 !!
Before i spent my time 80% thinking about upgrade and 20% heard music,right now 80% heard music and 20% party he..he..he..

Don't worry, i'm not trying to sell my Jadis, even not jadis
but you gotta be move to TUBE right away !!

PS: I don't know for movies !!

I vote for the tubed Sonic Frontiers Line 1 or 2-- smooth, neutral sounding, lots of features for movies or just audio, and a great remote. Good Hunting. Craig