SS or tube preamp? Which one?

I have Bryston amps and B & W speakers. I watch 80% movies and 20% music.

Best regards-Henry
Being that you watch more movies than listening to music I would reccommend a solid state pre-amp/processor for a home theater set-up. Which Brystons and which B&Ws are you using?

Don't even ever think about SS (SOUND SUCK) !!
I was stupid and crazy to buy amp with looked on the magazine review and big name (ML,Krell,Bryston,JR,etc)

Two years ago i've owned ML 336+380s,three months later i sold and bought Krell 350MC+KPS 25s,the sound especially soundstage much better than ML but i can't still heard the music,so after read in the f... magazine review i bought
Jeff rowland 9TI. This one is very good enough and i don't think about change/upgrade my amp forever !!

But after i heard the tube sound (jadis JA250),when i went back to my country last year,i felt that my system like Harman Kardon !!

Right now here i'm: I used tube amp Jadis JA250+JP200 !!
Before i spent my time 80% thinking about upgrade and 20% heard music,right now 80% heard music and 20% party he..he..he..

Don't worry, i'm not trying to sell my Jadis, even not jadis
but you gotta be move to TUBE right away !!

PS: I don't know for movies !!

I vote for the tubed Sonic Frontiers Line 1 or 2-- smooth, neutral sounding, lots of features for movies or just audio, and a great remote. Good Hunting. Craig
audio999: you're really john updike, right, and just tryin' to get a rise out of us by pretending to be one of the guys who writes service manuals for hundai? and, oh yeah, i've tried to watch movies on that overwrought jadis gear you keep pushin' and COULDN'T EVEN GET A PICTURE!!! tried rollin' tubes and everything!!! no luck!!! maybe should go i back to my country and renew career writing those sayings inside going fortune cookies. -kerry
I second (or third, etc.) the vote for tubes, for music. No opinion regarding Ht.

My experience is similar to many you will read about on your post and others on this subject. I purchased a SS amp and a tube pre. Rather expensive amp, highly regarded in the press, and reputation for musicality, yet extended, powerful and "tube-like".

Then, for fun, I experimented with a $550 Antique Sound Lab tube integrated, and first thing you know it's late at night and the stereo is still on, and I never noticed the time. That never happened with the expensive SS amp. What does this have to do with pre-amp? Simple. Tried a few and purchased the Rogue 99 (4 x 6SN7 tubes), and the world is a better place.

I think you will find that if you experiment with both, using the amp of your choice, you will find tubes to be more musical, with no listener fatigue. By the way, I highly recommend the Rogue 99, but try any of the good ones, and I think you will find there are several that are excellent. Good luck!