anyone heard sony s9000es

Ordered one last week, Just wondering if anybody has heard it yet?
I hope I didn't scare anyone away from the 9000. The problem turned out to be a faulty cable. Some of the music just wasn't passing through. Problem solved, everything sounds great. It has great detail and openness. The picture, going through component cables is great. I'm very happy with the 9000 now. Sorry again if I caused any concern.
Finally back from out of town, finally have the player. SACD sounds great and cd's are getting better with the break in. I only have about 30 hrs. on each section now. Video is as good as I can hope for on a 8 year old Sony Trinitron. Bmpnyc, glad to hear you are having succes with the Pioneer, almost had to try one out waiting for this one to come in but wanted to hold out for the SACD section. Who knows, maybe it will make.
No Money, Good luck with the 9000ES. Let me know what you think of the "standard CD " playback after break in. I have owned 3 different Sony CD players and they all had a similar approach to sound, ( a bit forward and hard) . If the audio was as good as the Pioneer in CD playback, I would buy the Sony, as I have heard that the video quality is as good as, or better than the Pioneer.
Bmpnyc, after another 50hrs or so the cd really is sounding nice. I have to admit I was really trying not to like the cd/playback. 1. It's a dvd player 2.It's Sony. But I have to admit I am liking it more and more every day and will most likely retire Cal. Ikon Mkll to the bedroom system. Hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year.
No Money, Thanks for the update. I have been very happy with the audio quality of my DV-37, but would certainly welcome the SACD option if CD playback was comparable. Now I will have to try and find a 9000ES and check it out. Let me know how you find the sound in another 50 hours or so. Have you been able to compare the SACD aspect to any other SACD player? Happy New Year!,Martin