anyone heard sony s9000es

Ordered one last week, Just wondering if anybody has heard it yet?
Bmpnyc, after another 50hrs or so the cd really is sounding nice. I have to admit I was really trying not to like the cd/playback. 1. It's a dvd player 2.It's Sony. But I have to admit I am liking it more and more every day and will most likely retire Cal. Ikon Mkll to the bedroom system. Hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year.
No Money, Thanks for the update. I have been very happy with the audio quality of my DV-37, but would certainly welcome the SACD option if CD playback was comparable. Now I will have to try and find a 9000ES and check it out. Let me know how you find the sound in another 50 hours or so. Have you been able to compare the SACD aspect to any other SACD player? Happy New Year!,Martin
I recently bought the Sony S9000es, the $500 Panasonic A7, and the JVC723GD ($600). The A7 and 723 have DVD-Audio. The CD sound of the Sony is superior to the DVD-Audio sound on the Panasonic and JVC. SACD is in a league by itself. After listening to the Sony CD sound, it was difficult to listen to CDs on the Panasonic and JVC since they sounded lifeless and grainy. I returned the Panasonic and JVC.
I have been thinking about chucking my CD gear for this machine and a new turntable, but this thread is pretty lukewarm. I thought I read in other threads (maybe another site?) that this component is the second coming -- amazing on everything even plain vanilla playback of CDs -- better than $10,000 CD players etc. Is this just a bunch of BS or are Sony employees infiltrating our beloved site??
In reading reviews everywhere before I bought, I concluded: 9000ES Video is the best--bar none. CD is similar to $1,000 CD only players. DVD audio is similar to $1,000 DVD players. SACD betters $10,000 CD players and turntables. The 5 year warranty is worth at least $150 extra. The difference when playing CDs between a $600 DVD player and the 9000ES is astonishing! It made me stop considering anything in the $600 price range. Even $600 players with DVD-Audio did not better CD play on the 9000ES. If SACD is not important to you, the $1,000 Pioneer DV-37 is a better buy. Slightly lessor video, but equal or better CD/DVD audio at a lower price.