anyone heard sony s9000es

Ordered one last week, Just wondering if anybody has heard it yet?
In reading reviews everywhere before I bought, I concluded: 9000ES Video is the best--bar none. CD is similar to $1,000 CD only players. DVD audio is similar to $1,000 DVD players. SACD betters $10,000 CD players and turntables. The 5 year warranty is worth at least $150 extra. The difference when playing CDs between a $600 DVD player and the 9000ES is astonishing! It made me stop considering anything in the $600 price range. Even $600 players with DVD-Audio did not better CD play on the 9000ES. If SACD is not important to you, the $1,000 Pioneer DV-37 is a better buy. Slightly lessor video, but equal or better CD/DVD audio at a lower price.
Ymarttinjr, there is certainly one better DVD player, The Camelot Roundtable, but the 9000ES seems to be the best all around value, considering the SACD aspect.
I paid $1300 and I can't find anything close that sounds as good. I read a review that concluded that the CD play of the Pioneer 37 ($1000 list) was but smoother than the CD Sony, but that Pioneer could not match the Sony SACD play. The Pioneer 37 does not have SACD or DVD-Audio.
I bought one of these early December, along with the Sony 36XBR400 to replace the Pioneer DV-05 and Sony 36XBR250. Big mistake. The new combination's video is much grainier and can't get rid of the reddish cast on flesh tones without washing out the color. The old combo was spooky in creating a grainless, stunning picture with fabulous color. The Sony s9000es DVD player is frustrating. The faceplate controls sometimes just won't respond. On the positive, the SACD sound and CD sound are superb. CD only is about as good as my Theta gen V processor with digital feed. My advice to the Pioneer owners - stick with your Pioneer DVD player for video (the sound from analog output is mediocre at best, but that doesn't matter if you're using digital outputs to process the sound). Pioneer just can't be beat for video. I'd appreciate any advice on how to correct my picture problems with the new Sony / Sony video combo.