I find different colored ties emphasize different frequencies. I had some work done on my roof one time and they had to remove the ties. Without the ties I thought I could buy something better than what I have at Walmart. That is how bad it seemed to sound. When they went back on I was in nirvana again. Anyway I got to wondering if it would work on other things. So I started to put them everywhere, on my ears, my car, ect. Well after putting them almost everywhere I left for work and when me and my wife came home after work I couldn't get into my house because of the ties on my door knobs. The lock smith couldn't even help me. I had to break in a window. Well my wife said no more wire ties. That was the end of that. That was the the day the music died. Now I have been trying other things to get that same effect. What I do is go to the hardware stores and seek out the bargain baskets and buy a little bit of everything and do different things with them but nothing and I mean nothing has matched using those wire ties. Yup those were the good old days. I wonder if they even make the wire ties as well as the use to. I doubt it.